YPK Innovations

Manufacturer of cables & other cycle products.
- YPK Innovations Cables - Brake Inner Cables.
- YPK Innovations Cables - Gear Inner Cables.
- YPK Innovations Cables - Guides, Hose Guides & Cable Adjuster Bolts.
A2Z of YPK Innovations
YPK Innovations YHS-1244 Tandem Gear Inner Cable 1.2mm X 3000mm. (On display in Components. » Cables - Gear Inner Cables.)YPK Innovations YPK1644U (Universal) Tandem Brake Inner Cable Dual End. (On display in Components. » Cables - Brake Inner Cables.)
YPK Innovations YZA -1001 In Line Adjusting Barrel Kit Gear (On display in Components. » Cables - Guides, Hose Guides & Cable Adjuster Bolts.)
If you can't find the items you are looking for within our main site, you should be able to view the complete range from YPK Innovations by visiting their own website: (although please be aware that not all products may be available within the UK)
VISIT YPK Innovations Website
VISIT YPK Innovations Website